In this line, Ethereum co-founder Anthony Di Iorio has raised concerns regarding the dominance of few holders on the Ethereum network, noting that at the moment, PoS does not seem to be the perfect system, he said during an interview with Kitco News on September 29.  Iorio specifically pointed out the strength of platforms like crypto exchanges in dominating the Ethereum network. However, he expressed optimism that decentralization will be achieved in the future. 

Ethereum’s original decentralization goal 

At the same time, Iorio pointed out that the centralization being witnessed at the moment is not aligning with the initial dream of Ethereum of having more people participate in the asset’s governance. He noted that if the concerns persist, it might impact businesses and the regulatory outlook. 

Only two wallets dominate ETH validation

As per a Finbold report on September 15, the Ethereum post-Merge inflation analysis showed over 46% of the cryptocurrency’s PoS nodes were under the control of two addresses.  The two wallets accounted for most of Ethereum’s transaction processing, storing of data, and adding new blockchain blocks.  Watch the full interview below: