There are several reasons for wanting to know whether Snapchat’s last active is accurate. But, mainly, it helps you know when someone was last online. To learn more about the accuracy of Snapchat’s last active, read this article to the end.

Overview of Snapchat’s Last Active

Snapchat doesn’t have an online or offline status indicator, unlike other social media apps. This means you have to rely on various clues to estimate when someone was last active. The typical way to check when someone was last active on Snapchat is by using Snap Map. Snap Map helps you find out the accurate location of the people on your Snapchat friends list. Next, we delve into a few ways to tell when someone was last active on Snapchat.

Checking Last Active on Snapchat: Step-by-Step Guide

Besides using Snap Map, there are other tricks you can use to check when someone was last active on Snapchat. Here are a few.

Method #1: Using the Snap Map

To use Snap Map to check when a friend was last active on Snapchat, follow these simple steps: Alternatively, you can click on the friend’s profile to view their Snap Map. After clicking on their profile, tap on their Bitmoji to see when they were last active.

Method #2: Checking Profile for New Stories

Checking the profile is a straightforward way to know when someone was last active on Snapchat. If you check a friend’s profile and see a Snap story posted recently, for example, ‘y’ minutes ago, they are likely still active. You can check when a story was posted by opening the story and then checking for the timestamp under the person’s name at the top-left corner of the screen.

Method #3: Enable Story Notifications

Another method to check when someone was last active on Snapchat is to enable notifications for their stories. This way, you can receive an alert immediately after they post. At this time, they will be active on Snapchat. Enabling Snapchat notifications for specific friends is simple. Here’s how to do it: Every time a friend on your ‘Notification list’ posts a story, you will receive an alert. This way, you can always tell when they are active on Snapchat.

Method #4: Check if They Viewed Your Story

Checking content upload to see when someone was last active on Snapchat isn’t always accurate. Sometimes, someone could be active on Snapchat but isn’t posting any stories. In this case, you can check if the person has viewed any of your Snapchat stories recently. If the timestamp indicates they viewed your story ‘Just now’ or ‘x minutes ago,’ they may still be active on Snapchat.


As you’ve learned, Snapchat’s last active is not entirely accurate. One of the factors contributing to Snapchat’s last active timestamp inaccuracy is the lack of an online or offline indicator. Still, there are several ways to learn when someone was last active on Snapchat. These include using Snap Map, enabling notifications for their stories, and checking how long ago they posted a specific Snap story.

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