While Twitter is great, sometimes you may be uncomfortable with the content or display language. Also, it could be you don’t understand the language used on a given tweet. Luckily, you have the option of changing the language on Twitter. This guide offers various ways of changing your Twitter language. Besides, we will cover the steps for mobile and desktop to ensure we all have a method that works for us. With that being said, let’s dive in!

How To Change Twitter Language

On Twitter, you have three options for changing your language. First, you can change the language of a tweet by translating it to a language you understand. Second, you can change the display language, which involves changing the language used on buttons, headlines, etc. Lastly, you can change the content language, which involves changing the language for tweets, trends, etc. Let’s cover each option in detail.

Method #1: Changing Content Language on Twitter

The content language is the language you see when viewing your home timeline. Use the steps below to change it.

For Mobile

The language you choose will be used when viewing trends, tweets, and people.

For Desktop

That’s it. Your language will change for the content you view on Twitter.

Method #2: Changing Display Language on Twitter

The steps below are used to set the language Twitter should use for displays. Note that you can only change the display language on Twitter using the Twitter website. However, you can change your phone’s language for mobile, which will also reflect on Twitter.

For Desktop

This is the only method that allows you to change your display language on Twitter directly using the below steps.

For Android

Once you relaunch the Twitter app, the display language will have updated.

For iPhone

If you access your Twitter account, your chosen language will reflect.

Method #3: Translating Tweet Language

On Twitter, you are likely to encounter tweets written in a language you don’t understand. In such a case, you can translate the tweet into a language you are at home with. So, locate the tweet written in another language and click the “Translate Tweet” button below it. Once you do, you can choose which language to translate, or Twitter will use the language you set above for your content.


Changing language on Twitter is easy. To change the display language, you must use Twitter’s website or try changing the language on your phone. For content language, you can change it on your phone or via the website. Besides, you can translate any tweet on your account using the steps covered in this guide.

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