Moreover, socializing here also becomes relatively straightforward with all the under-friendly features Facebook keeps adding. So if you’re new to this space, and wondering what a Facebook wall means that everyone keeps talking about, here’s a quick answer. Your Facebook wall can be a sensitive place to regulate, and you can be vulnerable if you’re not well aware of its features. We’ve created a guide to help you grasp the subject.
Where To Find the Facebook Wall?
The place where most of your and your friends’ activities on Facebook appear is known as your wall. And it’s only natural that you’d want to access and navigate that space. Here’s how you can find your wall on Facebook using your mobile device (the steps are similar for PC users):
What Can I Do on a Facebook Wall?
Here are some things you can do on a Facebook wall:
You can write something in the box labeled ‘What’s on your mind?‘ You can also post images or videos in the same section. Or go live by clicking on the “Live” button below the post section. These posts will appear on your wall. You can track what others have posted on your wall by scrolling through your wall. If your friends have tagged you in a post, it will also appear on your wall. You can follow similar steps if you need to write on your friend’s wall. Go to their profile, scroll down to their wall and write in the ‘Write Something to [name]‘ box.
Who Can See My Facebook Wall?
Your friends can post and tag you in messages, pictures, or videos on your wall, which everyone in your contact can see. And since the Facebook wall is a public space, it leaves you vulnerable to unwanted messages from malicious accounts. However, Facebook lets you control who can post and see your wall to respect your privacy. Follow these steps to manage your wall’s posting and viewing options. Furthermore, if you also want to control who can tag you in their posts, you can do it from the same “Profile and tagging” section.
From ‘Who can see posts that you’re tagged in on your profile?‘ select ‘Everyone,’ ‘Friends of Friends,’ ‘Friends,’ ‘Friends except,’ ‘Specific friends,’ or ‘Only me.’ From ‘When you are tagged in a post, who do you want to add to the post’s audience if they can’t already see it?‘ choose from ‘Friends’ or ‘Only me.’You can also turn on the toggle for ‘Review posts that you’re tagged in before the post appears on your profile‘ to fully control who tags you in their post and if it should go on your wall.
Facebook wall, more commonly known as the Timeline, is where you openly interact with your contacts. After reading this article, you can easily access Wall to Wall conversations. You can also control who can post on and see your wall.